Author Name:- Alex Jone
Address:- 104 Esplanade ave
120 Pacific, CA 94044
Mobile No:- +1 (917)746 0700
Unity is a powerful game development tool that provides you with building blocks for your games. It also allows you to quickly implement monetization strategies by integrating Admob, Applovin , and Unity (which we will discuss later) in your web game. Unity makes it very easy to build, deploy, and integrate unity web game development plugins (that's what unity calls them). With little technical knowledge, a player can create a reasonably successful unity web game.
The primary purpose of unity web games is entertainment; however most developers use unity web games as a means to an end: acquiring users or getting revenue from their unity web game. This guide will discuss the best ways to monetize your unity webs games. And while I will mainly focus on unity, any web game developers can apply these unity monetization strategies.
The most successful unity developers on the market have gone under a name change to best unity web game development. This trend has led to a lot of unity developers asking, "Why? What about unity for desktop or unity for console?" After all, isn't that what unity was made for in the first place? Well yes, but times are changing and if you want to make money off your games when they're released, you need to adapt quickly. Web game development is effective because: 1) there's more competition on PC and mobile than there ever has been before 2) users prefer quick play sessions over longer (or even short ones), so mobile is where they'll be 3) gamers don't like spending $5-10 dollars when they can spend $.99 or free, because they know the price of a game will be higher than that
You are not competing against unity's marketing plan, you're competing against everyone else who is doing unity web game development on their own (just like unity desktop games are competing with ones from other software development kits). If unity where to start promoting unity games more heavily like it did when it first started off and a few years prior to 2013, this might be different, but until then unity web game development is pretty much the next best thing.
Monetization in unity can be difficult because unity isn't designed to be an easy way to create a web browser based game that will connect directly to your database to make money. This means you need external tools such as unity ads or unity iap (in-app purchases) which have certain requirements before they'll work correctly behind a firewall. You also need an internet connection that can support multiple players at once (with data caps from some ISP) otherwise your player's experience will suffer. Thankfully we now have free alternatives for both of these components but there are still additional hurdles to jump through before your unity game can be considered a success at monetization.
To identify unity games that make money we can look at the top unity games on the app store & play store to see what they do right monetization wise. We'll also look at some unity titles that don't get as many downloads but make more money because they are better optimized and offer additional ways to spend money for those who want something different, as well as free options for those who wish to try it out first or support the developer. Another way is by looking at web community sites such as congregate or Facebook fan pages where you will find user ratings and reviews, which help point out aspects of unity web based game development that players love (or hate).
When you've set up unity ads correctly (see unity's documentation for more info) they can be a good source of income over time if you have the patience to wait through the trial and error process. You'll need to test which ad sizes work best, how many impressions per day your user's require, what types of ads they prefer and what geographic area is most profitable for you.
In order to create positive reviews of your unity game apps on iTunes/Google Play you need to do two things:
1. Make a lot of money from your unity applications so that people will leave good ratings and good comments (without reading the description). Read this blog post, and follow it's advice - repeatedly if necessary. The more income you make, the better quality you can produce when creating unity projects in future, because free time is directly related to the amount of income generated.
2. Get your existing customers to leave reviews on unity project pages; Apple App Store / Google Play Store etc. Do as follows: a) Send an email out via Mail-chimp saying "Thanks for being one of our customers" b) Add a little incentive to leave you a review: i. Show them how many people have reviewed your unity app - eg "20 other unity users have given this game great ratings/comments". ii. Offer them a discount on their next unity application purchase: eg "$5 off the next unity device application", where relevant (this is especially good for iOS applications, because the amount of devices is far less than on android).
Similar type approach can be applied when soliciting reviews from your existing customers, but make sure you ask them nicely and reward them appropriately if they choose to do so. If necessary set up different mail campaigns that send out over time, so you don't look like you are spamming people.
Many unity developers have considered it; some have even grappled with trying to answer it. There's no doubt that many unity developers want to make money from making unity games, and they want to know what works best. However, the first step is determining what kind of unity developer you are: free2play or premium? Free2play means that your game will be available for free download and will rely on micro-transactions (MTX) for profits - typically, MTXs come in three forms: one time purchases, monthly memberships and virtual goods (non-consumable content). Premium games charge a fixed price and do not use micro-transactions. Many unity developers are tempted by the free2play model because there's a clear path towards making money, but it's not the only way to make money from unity games.
Therefore, asking which unity game monetization strategy is most effective implies that you have decided on which monetization strategy to use-whether that be premium or free2play. It also neglects factors outside of unity that can affect your project, such as skill and effort in regards to developing your game and landing publishing deals for your unity game.
For more information:
Youtube: Sukhpreet Saluja