Author Name:- Alex Jone
Address:- 104 Esplanade ave
120 Pacific, CA 94044
Mobile No:- +1 (917)746 0700
Poker sites are not like regular websites where you just put up your content and make sure everything looks good; they require a lot more work. Everything needs to be tested and bugs fixed at all times since people's money is involved (that's why scams still exist). Once you get the hang of things, making poker sites will become much easier for you.
I know it sounds like I am saying make one successful site then make another - but it's really not like that for most people. That's why so many sites make the same mistakes and don't make it even though they actually should.
Poker is not hard, but you need to make sure that your site does everything better than competitors and provides a unique user experience. If you make something good, then you'll make money; if not - either no one will play or everyone will start playing somewhere else and leave you with nothing (hence the scammy poker sites out there).
First of all, make sure that your site is secure. Without security measures in place, there is no way for the players to make any deposits or withdraw their funds if necessary. You want to make sure that someone can't steal all your customers' money by selling them some trojan or something. Also make sure that there are no bots on your site - people don't want to play against computers, they want to make money by playing real live players.
Next make sure that the software is working properly all the time. Everything needs to be tested before it's released onto production servers since you never know what could go wrong with millions of users hammering your server at once. Make sure that everything works as expected and make regular backups in case you make a mistake somewhere. Then make sure that not only admins but also normal players can make backups using your software (so they don't have to send an email every time asking for their latest winnings). That way if something does go wrong, everyone will still get their money back.

Also make sure to make your poker site in a way that it can be easily translated into different languages. Languages are always changing and if you don't make things translatable then players will just start playing elsewhere because they can not read anything on your site (and this might happen even if you make it multilingual since people might still prefer to go somewhere else). It's really easy to make things translatable so there is no excuse for not doing it. Basically, make sure that everything is translatable using only one file per language (so players don't have ten files to send you when asking for support) and make it work automatically without any need for coding anything by hand.
What do you need to make your own poker site?
The answer is simpler than you think: You need an idea and some free time to make that idea into reality. If this sounds like something fun and easy that you want to try yourself - read on! No one else wants the work for them so why not give it a shot?
Here are 10 simple steps on how to make a poker site:
Step 1 - Determine how you want players to register. There are only three options for this essential step:
1) Free registration with Email or Facebook account. This is the most common way that many sites implement their registration system.
2) Registration through your app / software on PC, Mac, Linux, etc.; often with Twitter accounts as well. Keep in mind that if you force users to make an account on your platform first before they can play on it, the database of registered accounts will grow exponentially over time and make updating hard once there are too many users to handle at once. If you make the user register directly on PlayPokerSites by forcing them into your own software first, make sure that you don't lose the data and make it available for future use.
3) Open registration: no account required until a player wins some money on your site. This is the hardest way to implement but also has its pros and cons: on one hand, if you make players prove they are who they say they are, you go through a lot of trouble finding out fake names or IDs; on the other hand, these users can start playing as soon as the sign up - where many of them will lose their money fast due to lack of experience.
Step 2 - Create an awesome poker strategy guide so that new players can learn how to play this awesome game!
This step is very important because most people won't make it past this point. If you make a mediocre strategy guide that doesn't really help, people will bounce off your site very fast and never come back.
There are many poker strategy guides on the Internet - make sure yours is better!
Step 3 - Build a state-of-the-art website for your homebase: make it beautiful, make it responsive, make sure everything works perfectly! You can make a quick prototype using Bootstrap but make sure to spend some time polishing it to get an edge over other poker sites.
Step 4 - Make a login system so that players do not have to sign up every time they want to play. This step should be easy because most websites handle user authentication in the same way.
Step 5 - Find a poker game that suits you. There are many types of poker, make sure your site offers the one you want to play! If you choose not too, make sure it is clear on your website so users know what they can expect.

Step 6 - Create great software for playing games so that people do not have to download anything if they don't want to. Make everything accessible from web browsers and make it work perfectly on most devices.
Step 7 - Add sign up bonuses for new players who join your website by linking their accounts with Facebook or Twitter (or any other way). Integrate yourself into the signup process through social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter; make life easy for your future players!
Step 8 - Make your website secure so that players know their money is safe.
Step 9 - If you make a secure page, make sure to let people know in the footer in bold text so they don't even have to think about it when they see it.
Step 10 - Make sure there are enough users on your site at all times! When people visit, make sure if they stay or not with features like an active chat room where they can get into contact with other poker players on your site.
Poker is one of the most popular card games in the world. A lot of people play it so there is a high demand for good quality poker sites. While some people prefer playing with downloaded software on their computer, others want instant action and play exclusively on online sites. The first option requires downloading and installing an application and this can make things awkward when playing on someone else's computer or laptop, which means that online poker has become the preferred medium for many players regardless of what type of game they enjoy. People can deposit real money into account and bet against each other. For those who win money this offers a chance of earning a living from the comfort of their own homes. Make a best poker site is more complicated than setting up a regular online casino, especially if you plan on expanding it and make it into one of the major online poker destinations. It's necessary to have in-depth knowledge in order to make a good choice when deciding between all the options available.
For more information:
Youtube: AcePokerSolutions