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How to build a photo sharing app similar to Instagram

Author Name:- Alex Jone

Address:- 104 Esplanade ave

120 Pacific, CA 94044

Mobile No:- +1 (917)746 0700

What is an instagram clone ?

An instagram clone is a photo sharing app similar to Instagram. A user should be able to share their photos on the feed, like other users' feed-posts and follow others' accounts as well. Nowadays everyone loves taking photos of any place they visit or anything they do in their daily lives. Sharing those pictures online has become part of our daily life style. Everyone loves taking photos and wants to share with the world. Instagram has done a wonderful job for this type of product where you can take pictures, edit them directly on your mobile device or desktop computer (using third party editors) and then post them online.

What is react-native?

React-native is an open source javascript framework to build react native apps that run on both iOS and Android platforms at high speeds using react components ( like reactjs ). react-native provides most useful UI components built with react and reactive programming paradigm. react-native also allows you to write code in jsx as well as plain react javascript structure for building your product. react-native provides development tools as debugging, hot reloading, crash report and many other react native tools for making react development faster. react-native provides a platform where you can build your product in less time with high speed cross platform responsiveness.

What are the features of an instagram clone?

There must be some basic features required in every type of social media app like following, liking, commenting, viewing feed posts in grid/list view as well as uploading pictures into albums from the mobile device including basic editing functionalities such as cropping photo size, filter implementation etc.

What technologies should I use to build an instagram clone?

React-native is a perfect match to build excellent react native instagram clone apps that run on both iOS and Android platforms. react-native provides react components for building react native apps with best UI components to build your product in less time with react features that will speed up your react development process drastically.

How can react-native help you build an instagram clone ?

React-native provides you over 65+ high quality, customizable UI components ( like reactjs ) to build a user interface of your product in less time compared to native development platform. react-native helps you by providing cross platform compatibility between ios and android as well as development tools required for rapid development process including debugging, hot reloading etc.

How do I start with my app idea ?

You should plan out how to implement every functionalities of your product by mind mapping out the react native UI components to build your react native app. react-native provides high quality react components ( reactjs ) for building every type of social media apps including photo sharing, connecting with friends/followers etc. React native instagram clone is an open source Javascript framework built mainly using react js which helps you to develop react apps that run on both iOS and Android platforms at a very fast speed compared to other development platforms.

Why should I choose react-native?

React-native is the best fit for building react apps that run on both iOS and Android platforms. Using react features, you can build a user interface in less time compared to other development platforms where developers are required to write separate code for ios and android platforms. react-native is an open source framework where react community developers are adding new features every day contributing to react native platform. react-native provides react components ( reactjs ) to build a user interface rapidly using best UI elements. react-native also helps you by providing tools as debugging, hot reloading for react developed applications which will speed up your development process drastically compared to any other development platforms including native development.


Building a React Native app that's like Instagram isn't as hard as you think! With the React Native Camera Roll, you can download a library of UI components specifically for React Native. This is called an npm package . There are several other prebuilt packages you can use to make your interface look more like Instagram. These are community built and supported by members, so we're not responsible if none of them work right or something else happens, but for the most part they should work fine. Though react-native is not production ready yet, it already has a wide range of great features that works as expected (and even more). Some examples are the camera function, or MapView. However, react native is still on alpha at this point, so some things like the Facebook sign-in don't work quite well for now. As we used react-native in previous projects where it was already stable enough to be used by real consumers, I have no doubt about its capacity to deliver quality apps and productivities. At least from our own project experiences we can say that react native instagram clone could become a big part of cross platform app building in near future.

For more information:

Youtube: Ghack Dev

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